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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Do You Have Klout?

Do you know your Klout score?

I had never even heard of Klout until several days ago when a new Twitter follower of mine mentioned her score (which was fairly high). I had no idea what she was talking about so started to check into it. In a nutshell, it's an interesting analysis of how much your social network content (tweets, blogs, fb etc) influences or impacts other people. Major companies like Nike, Disney, and GM use Klout to determine how well their social networking influences people they are trying to reach.

From www.Klout.com:

"The Klout Score measures influence on a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 being the most influential. Klout uses data from social networks in order to measure:

How many people you influence; (True Reach)
How much you influence them; and (Amplification)
How influential they are (Network Score)"

True Reach is how many people you influence when they act on or share what you have written. My true reach score is 68 (pretty good!).

Amplification is how much people respond to your message. The more people act upon your content, the higher your score. My amplification score is 23 (guess I have to work on this).

Your Network Score is how much top influencers (people with high scores) respond to your messages. My Network Score is 43 (okay)

My overall Klout score is 34, apparently up 5 from a few weeks ago. According to the site, the average score is 20. Although I could be doing a lot better I am apparently above average and improving, so I guess what I'm writing and tweeting must be getting better!

So how well are you influencing others with the content you are putting out in the social networks? Go to www.klout.com, sign up for free and find out!


  1. WOW! Thanks to this post, I joined up. My overall score is 41...not bad huh?!

  2. lol I`m going to head over to have a look :D

  3. Great information... will go look into this.

  4. Thanks for sharing! I am going to try it myself now.

  5. I'm pretty sure my Official Klout is sorely lacking, but my score is pretty high if you care to ask bQ how much I try to boss him around ;D

  6. well I went to see if I had klout but klout said my email account already had a user.....wth? I guess someone stole my klout. lol

  7. I have a 27 which is up +3 from last week, so I guess that's a good thing. If nothing else, it's just another cool thing to know! Thanks!

  8. I LOVE KLOUT! It was something I wanted to blog about soon myself.

  9. uniquecozytreasures- Thanks for sharing this info. I will have to check out my klout scores.
